PIN in Istanbul
The PIN Group is in Istanbul on 24, 25 and 26 May as a guest of Bahçeşehir University. On 25 May the latest research on the negotiations in the Arab Spring (PIN's Negotiations in Transitions project) will be presented and discussed. In the afternoon of 26 May there is a roundtable on Syria.

About the Event
As part of the research project Negotiations in Transitions, PIN is visiting Istanbul 24, 25 and 26 May. In a special public research meeting on 25 May, the authors of the different chapters of the coming PIN book on the negotiations during the Arab Spring will discuss their latest draft with members of the PIN Steering Committee and the general audience. Speakers are:
I. William Zartman (Johns Hopkins, SAIS), Achim Wennmann (HEID, Geneva), Heba Raouf Ezzat (Cairo University), Cecilia Albin (Uppsala University, Sweden), Abdullah Hamiddadin (King's College), Alice Alunni (Johns Hopkins SAIS), Guy Olivier Faure (Sorbonne), Sinisa Vukovic (Leiden University), Mark Anstey (Nelson Mandela University), Paul Meerts (Clingendael Institute), Samir Aita (Le Monde Diplomatique), Roel Meijer (Clingendael Institute) and Fen Osler Hampson (Carleton University).
The special research meeting is open for anyone who is interested in negotiation research.
In the evening of 25 May the Bahçeşehir Universty opens a weekend long Global Leadership Forum. I. William Zartman is one of the key speakers on this first evening.
As an extension to the Negotiations in Transtions project, Samir Aita of Le Monde Diplomatique has organised a roundtable on Syria on 26 May from 15.45 to 17.45. The Syria roundtable is part of the Global Leadership Forum.
If you are interested in participating during the PIN activities in Istanbul, please visit the website of Bahçeşehir University.