PIN Workshop 2021: China Negotiating All-Out
The Processes of International Negotiation – PIN network of scholars tackles a new aspect of negotiations every year with rotating responsibilities among its steering committee members. The 2021 “China Negotiating All-Out: Mindset and Strategies” project was developed by Professor Guy Olivier Faure and Professor I. William Zartman.

About the Event
As China is now developing its influence and protecting its interests in all parts of the world, its negotiators are carrying out or have carried out a host of projects different in nature, scope, and degree of cooperation/conflict – even in the most unlikely places on the planet. In this workshop, scholars will get deep in some of those projects that are chosen as exemplary for research, and for their potential to bring to light new findings. Examples are China–US trade negotiations, China–European Union negotiations, Central Asia and the Belt and Road Initiative, China–Taiwan negotiations, China–India negotiations, China with Africa, China–Japan, and joint venture negotiations with foreign companies.