Containing the Atom: International Negotiations on Nuclear Security and Safety
Avenhaus R, Kremenyuk VA, Sjöstedt G (eds.) (2002). Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, USA.

With a foreword by by Hans Blix, Director General Emeritus of the IAEA.
Containing the Atom, the product of three years of research by the members of the Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) network, is a comprehensive study of the theory and practice of international nuclear negotiations.
Well-known experts in the field test eleven cases of international nuclear negotiations, covering:
- Strategic arms control - The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty - Nuclear-weapon-free zones - The Non-Proliferation Treaty and its Review Conference - Nuclear materials removed from the defense weapons programs - Nuclear diplomacy with North Korea - Nuclear risks in the Barents region - Nuclear safety - French-Japanese nuclear negotiations - The nuclear plant perspective on negotiations Each case study analyzes the actors, strategies, processes, structures, and outcomes, and weighs the impact of the negotiations on security, energy, trade, and the environment.
International Nuclear Negotiations Rudolf Avenhaus, Victor Kremenyuk, and Gunnar Sjöstedt
Strategic Arms Control Negotiations: SALT and START P. Terrence Hopmann
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations Carlos A. Hernández
Negotiating Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones Jan Prawitz
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and Its Safeguards Werner Ungerer
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: The 1995 Review and Extension Conference A. L. Duncan
Dealing with Nuclear Materials Removed from Defense Programs Steve Maaranen, Joseph F. Pilat, James W. Tape, and Paul C. White
Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea Leon V. Sigal
International Negotiations Aiming at Reduction of Nuclear Risks in the Barents Region Lassi Heininen and Boris Segerståhl
International Negotiations on Radiation and Nuclear Safety Abel J. González
An Analysis of French-Japanese Negotiations Jean-Pierre Giraud
Peculiarities of Nuclear Negotiations Seen from the Point of View of a Plant Operator in the Federal Republic of Germany Rudolf Weh
Conclusions and Recommendations Rudolf Avenhaus, Victor Kremenyuk, and Gunnar Sjöstedt
About the Editors
Rudolf Avenhaus Professor of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany.
Victor Kremenyuk Deputy Director of the Institute for USA and Canada Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russia.
Gunnar Sjöstedt Senior Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs Stockholm, Sweden