Peace versus Justice: Negotiating Forward- and Backward-Looking Outcomes
Zartman IW, Kremenyuk VA (eds) (2005). Lanham MD, USA: .Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc.

This book examines the costs and benefits of ending the fighting in a range of conflicts and probes the reasons why negotiators provide or fail to provide resolutions that go beyond just "stopping the shooting." What is the desired and achievable mix between negotiation strategies that look backward to end current hostilities and those that look ahead to prevent their recurrence?
To answer that question, a wide range of case studies is marshaled to explore relevant peacemaking situations, from the end of the Thirty Years' War and the Napoleonic Wars, to more recent settlements of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries?including large-scale conflicts like the end of World War II and smaller-scale, sometimes internal conflicts like those in Cyprus, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Mozambique. Cases on Bosnia and the Middle East add extra interest.
Published in cooperation with IIASA, this important research is expertly edited by renowned conflict scholars I. William Zartman and Victor Kremenyuk of IIASA's Processes of International Negotiation Network. The original case studies come from scholars and practitioners around the globe, including Janice Gross Stein, Daniel Druckman, and Beth Simmons and many others.
Negotiating Forward- and Backward-Looking Outcomes I. William Zartman
Part I: Historic Settlements
Turning Point Westphalia: Negotiation Processes Establishing a New Political and Legal Order in Europe Paul W. Meerts
The Congress of Vienna Negotiations Christophe Dupont and Patrick Audebert-Lasrochas
Part II: Major Contemporary Settlements
The Austrian State Treaty: Concluding a Successful Negotiating Process Franz Cede
The Dayton Agreement in Bosnia: Durable Cease-Fire, Permanent Negotiation James C. O?Brien
The Israeli?Palestinian Peace Process Vitaly V. Naumkin and Irina D. Zvyagelskaya
Loss and Learning: From Backward-Looking to Forward-Looking Outcomes in the Egypt?Israel Rivalry Janice Gross Stein
Memory and International Negotiation: The Franco?German Case Valérie Rosoux
The Building of Mercosur: A Continuous Negotiation Process Juan Carlos M. Beltramino
PART III: Bilateral and Internal Conflict Settlements
Cyprus Marie-Pierre Richarte
Expecting Satisfaction: Negotiating a Durable Peace in South Africa Robert B. Lloyd
Forward-Looking Dispute Resolution: Ecuador, Peru, and the Border Issue Beth A. Simmons
Negotiation Processes and Postsettlement Relationships: Comparing Nagorno-Karabakh with Mozambique Daniel Druckman and Terrence Lyons
PART IV: Conclusions
Looking Forward and Looking Backward on Negotiation Theory I. William Zartman
Lessons for Practice Victor Kremenyuk
About the Editors
I. William Zartman is the Jacob Blaustein Professor of Conflict Resolution and International Organizations at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins University and a member of the Steering Committee of the Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) Network at IIASA.
Victor Kremenyuk is deputy director of the Institute for U.S.A. and Canada Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) Network at IIASA.
Contributing Authors: The following authors contributed to this volume: Patrick Audebert-Lasrochas, Juan Carlos M. Beltramino, Franz Cede, Daniel Druckman, Christophe Dupont, Janice Gross Stein, Victor Kremenyuk, Robert B. Lloyd, Terrence Lyons, Paul W. Meerts, Vitaly V. Naumkin, James C. O'Brien, Marie-Pierre Richarte, Valérie Rosoux, Beth A. Simmons, I. William Zartman, and Irina D. Zvyagelskaya.