Professional Cultures in International Negotiation. Bridge or Rift?
Sjöstedt, G and Lang, W (eds.) (2003). Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, USA.

Multiparty negotiations often serve as forums for hammering out highly complex issues which require the expertise of participants with differing professional backgrounds: diplomats, soldiers, scientists, or international lawyers. Contributors to this ground breaking volume discuss situations in which professional cultures and their interactions color negotiations on issues relating to trade, environment or disarmament.
This work provides insights into the potential benefits and the perils of enlisting professionals in multilateral discussions, including particularly useful analyses of the circumstances in which professional cultures can bridge diverse delegations, and those in which they will cause or deepen rifts. A readable volume on a topic of growing importance, this is a must-read for both professional practitioners and scholars.
PART I: Introduction
Introduction Gunnar Sjöstedt, Guy Olivier Faure, and Winfried Lang
PART II: Case Studies
Scientific Culture and its Role in International Negotiations Klaus Gottstein
Lawyer Culture: Negotiations on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court Gerhard Hafner
Finland's Membership Negotiations with the European Union Timo Kivimäki
Uruguay Round Services Negotiations Anders Ahnlid
Negotiations on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Andreas J. Kumin
Negotiations on the Convention to Combat Desertification Pamela Chasek
PART III: Analysis
A Qualitative Interview with Thirteen Practitioners Nancy Caldwell
An Analytical Perspective from International Business Negotiations Stephen E. Weiss
Conceptualizing Professional Culture and International Negotiations Kevin Avruch
Negotiation Strategies Across Industries Catherine H. Tinsley and Jean A. Grube
PART IV: Conclusions
Lessons for Research and Practice Gunnar Sjöstedt
About the Editors
Book editor Gunnar Sjöstedt is a member of the Steering Committee of IIASA's project on Processes of International Negotiations (PIN). He is Senior Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs and Associate Professor at the University of Stockholm, Sweden.
List of Book Contributors: Anders Ahnlid, Kevin Avruch, Nancy Caldwell, Pamela Chasek, Guy Olivier Faure, Klaus Gottstein, Jean A. Grube, Gerhard Hafner, Timo Kivimäki, Andreas J. Kumin, Winfried Lang, Gunnar Sjöstedt, Catherine H. Tinsley, Stephen E. Weiss.