PINPoints 23
In this issue e.g. articles on Mutual Enticing Opportunity, change in international negotiations an the empowerment of developing countries to strengthen global regimes.

1. From the PIN Steering Committee
1. Concepts: Mutual Enticing Opportunity (MEO) (I. William Zartman)
4. Good Sales Reported for Negotiating European Union (Paul W. Meerts and Franz Cede)
5. The Topic of Change in International Negotiations (Franz Cede)
6. Chairing International Negotiation Processes (Paul W. Meerts)
7. Second International Biennale on Negotiation: NEGOCIA—PARIS, 2005 (Guy Olivier Faure)
8. Empowerment of Developing Countries in International Talks (Gunnar Sjöstedt)
9. International Negotiation Now in Chinese (Victor Kremenyuk)
11. Global Negotiations (Victor Kremenyuk)
12. Report on PIN Side Event at COP 10 in Buenos Aires (Gunnar Sjöstedt)
12. Négociations: A New International Journal in the French Language (Guy Olivier Faure)
13. PIN at the AAAS Annual Conference (Rudolf Avenhaus)
14. The Negotiation Process concerning the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their property of 2004 (Gerhard Hafner)
15. PIN Books
16. Just Out: Peace versus Justice (I. William Zartman and Victor Kremenyuk)
About PINPoints
PINPoints is the biannual online publication of PIN and is sent to over 4,000 subscribers around the world. Each issue contains an overview of past and future events, reports of PIN related activities and, most importantly, articles with the latest developments and insights in international negotiation research. PINPoints is edited by Petra Brandt of German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).