PINPoints 25
In this issue e.g. articles on negotiating with terrorists, chairing negotiations, the importance of language in negotiations.

1. PIN at IIASA (Rudolf Avenhaus, Franz Cede,Guy Olivier Faure, Victor Kremenyuk,Paul Meerts, Gunnar Sjöstedt, and I. William Zartman)
2. Negotiating with Terrorists (I. William Zartman)
3. Call for Papers: Negotiating with Terrorists
5. The Four Dimensions of Chairing (Paul Meerts)
7. The Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) at IIASA 2005 (Tova Norlen)
8. Roadshow at PRIO, Oslo (Tanja Huber)
9. Negotiation as a Means versus Negotiation as an End (Konstantin Rachev)
10. Incomplete Negotiations: The Belgian Case (Dragica Fridl)
11. Workshop on Systems Analysis at IIASA (Tanja Huber)
12. The Role of Information in Conflict Escalation (Rudolf Avenhaus)
13. Caspian Dialog (I. William Zartman)
13. Upcoming Roadshows in Bologna and Islamabad (Tanja Huber)
14. Protecting Human Rights in Southeast Asia, Especially Myanmar (Simone Eysink)
15. Language and Negotiations (Franz Cede)
16. PIN Presentation in Lima (Paul Meerts)
16. PIN Books
About PINPoints
PINPoints is the biannual online publication of PIN and is sent to over 4,000 subscribers around the world. Each issue contains an overview of past and future events, reports of PIN related activities and, most importantly, articles with the latest developments and insights in international negotiation research. PINPoints is edited by Petra Brandt of German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).