PINPoints 28
In this issue e.g. articles on PIN Roadshow in Pakistan, the effect of demonization on negotiation and a game-theoretical analysis of Iran's nuclear program.

2. “A New Era of Science Diplomacy” (Rudolf Avenhaus, Franz Cede,Guy Olivier Faure, Victor Kremenyuk,Paul Meerts, Gunnar Sjöstedt, and I. William Zartman)
4. PIN in Pakistan
6. New Steering Committee
6. Zartman Radio Interview on Iran
7. Demonization and Negotiation (Guy Olivier Faure)
10. 3rd Biennale on Negotiation
11. Uncertainty, Science, and Negotiation (Gunnar Sjöstedt)
13. A Game-Theoretical Analysis of the Conflict about Iran’s Nuclear Program (Rudolf Avenhaus and Reiner K. Huber)
16. Negotiating Security and Cooperation in Europe (Fedor Meerts and Paul Meerts)
20. Stop Press: Caspilog II Success
21. Problem Solving, Decision Making, Negotiations (Victor Kremenyuk)
23. Why IIASA Needs PIN and PIN Needs IIASA (Jérôme Larosch)
24. IIASA—An Atmosphere of Diversity and Creativity (Tanya Alfredson)
26. The Negotiator’s Fieldbook (Franz Cede)
28. The Sage Handbook on Conflict Resolution
30. Diplomacy Games (Rudolf Avenhaus and I. William Zartman)
About PINPoints
PINPoints is the biannual online publication of PIN and is sent to over 4,000 subscribers around the world. Each issue contains an overview of past and future events, reports of PIN related activities and, most importantly, articles with the latest developments and insights in international negotiation research. PINPoints is edited by Petra Brandt of German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).