PINPoints 29
In this issue e.g. articles on Nash's bargaining solution, East-West diplomacy and negotiations on internal conflicts over identity.

2. Looking Eastward (Rudolf Avenhaus, Jacob Bercovitch, Franz Cede, William A. Donohue, Guy Olivier Faure, Victor Kremenyuk, Paul Meerts, Gunnar Sjöstedt, and I. William Zartman)
4. Diplomacy between East and West (Franz Cede)
6. Conference on Risk and Negotiation (Guy Olivier Faure)
7. Nash’s Bargaining Solution (Rudolf Avenhaus)
10. A Brief History of PIN
11. CaspiLog II Conference (Chris Wendell)
13. YSSP 2007 (Tanja Huber)
14. Modeling the Caspian (Maiko Sakamoto)
15. Researching Mediation (Joshua Smilovitz)
17. Negotiating Security and Cooperation in Northeast Asia (Fedor Meerts and Paul Meerts)
21. PIN 2008 Project: Negotiating Internal Conflicts over Identity (I. William Zartman)
22. PIN Books
23. Processes of International Negotiations
24. Recent PIN Books
About PINPoints
PINPoints is the biannual online publication of PIN and is sent to over 4,000 subscribers around the world. Each issue contains an overview of past and future events, reports of PIN related activities and, most importantly, articles with the latest developments and insights in international negotiation research. PINPoints is edited by Petra Brandt of German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).