PINPoints 32
In this issue e.g. three articles on the CTBT, Rudolf Avenhaus and Gunnar Sjöstedt on their book "Negotiated Risks" and Paul Meerts on the French Presidency of the European Union.

2. Editorial
4. Negotiations on and around the CTBTO (Franz Cede)
7. PIN Summer Workshop: Negotiation on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) (Mordechai (Moti) Melamud)
11. Transnational Corporations and International Framework Agreements (Mark Anstey)
14. The Warsaw Negotiation Day (Ariel Macaspac Penetrante)
15. New PIN Book: Negotiated Risks (Rudolf Avenhaus and Gunnar Sjöstedt)
17. Inaugural Meeting of Netherlands Negotiation Network (Paul Meerts)
17. La Présidence Française (Paul Meerts)
18. New PIN Book: Unfinished Business (Franz Cede and Guy Olivier Faure)
19. New PIN Book: Talking with Terrorists (Guy Olivier Faure and I William Zartman)
20. Recent PIN Book: Negotiated Risks (Rudolf Avenhaus and Gunnar Sjöstedt)
About PINPoints
PINPoints is the biannual online publication of PIN and is sent to over 4,000 subscribers around the world. Each issue contains an overview of past and future events, reports of PIN related activities and, most importantly, articles with the latest developments and insights in international negotiation research. PINPoints is edited by Petra Brandt of German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).