PINPoints 37
In this issue e.g. I. William Zartman with negotiations in transitions, Mark Anstey on understanding evil and four articles based on the PIN Roadshow in Tashkent late October 2011.

4. The Costs of a Refused Handshake (Paul Meerts and Wilbur Perlot)
5. Talking with the Taleban (I. William Zartman)
6. Negotiating Security and Cooperation in Central Asia (Paul Meerts)
9. Two-Level Games in Negotiations between the United States and the Countries of Post-Soviet Eurasia (Mikhail Troitskiy)
12. Understanding the EU as a Negotiating Actor (Wilbur Perlot)
18. Negotiating a Nuclear Weapens Free World: Are More Nuclear Weapon Free Zones the Road Ahead? (Mordechai (Moti) Melamud)
24. Understanding Evil: Some Insights for Negotiators and Conciliators (Mark Anstey)
30. Announcement New PIN Book; The Slippery Slope to Genocide: Reducing Identity Conflicts and Preventing Mass Murder
31.New PIN Book Project; Reconciliation as Preventive Negotiation (Mark Anstey and Valerie Rosoux)
35. Current PIN Book Project; Negotiations in Transitions: A Conceptual Framework (I. William Zartman)
45. Announcement Forthcoming PIN Book; Unfinished Business:Why International Negotiations Fail
46. PIN Events and News
47. Netherlands Negotiation Framework (Paul Meerts)
Paul Meerts and Wilbur Perlot shine a light on the costs of the handshake Nicolas Sarkozy refused to give to David Cameron. I. William Zartman discusses talking with the Taleban. Paul Meerts addresses the difficulties for regional cooperation in Central Asia. Mikhail Troitskiy describes two level games within country as a manner to establish both credibility and flexibility while negotiating with other countries. Such two level games are largely absent in a lot of Post-Soviet states. Wilbur Perlot goes into EU decision making and the related negotiating culture in Brussels, which creates options for non Member States while negotiating with the EU. Mordechai Melamud deals with regional nuclear free zones as a way to reach a nuclear free world. The issue closes with the latest PIN News and a report from Paul Meerts on the conference of the Netherlands Negotiation Network in December 2011
PIN book projects
Mark Anstey has written an insightful essay on why people do evil. This article is important for the new PIN book project on Reconciliation and Negotiation, which is introduced in a separate article by Mark Anstey and Valerie Rosoux. I. William Zartman writes about the Arab Spring and the challenges for understanding the current negotiation dynamics in his contribution to the Negotiations in Transitions project.
About PINPoints
PINPoints is the biannual online publication of PIN and is sent to over 4,000 subscribers around the world. Each issue contains an overview of past and future events, reports of PIN related activities and, most importantly, articles with the latest developments and insights in international negotiation research. PINPoints is edited by Petra Brandt of German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).