PINPoints 41
In this issue e.g. Valérie Rosoux on the importance of time in reconciliation, Paul Meerts on the essence and evolution of diplomatic negotiation and I William Zartman on PIN’s new project on how negotiations end.

5. Should We Negotiate With Terrorists? (Guy Olivier Faure)
7. Conflict Prevention and Negotiation (I William Zartman)
16. Time and Reconciliation Dealing with Festering Wounds (Valérie Rosoux)
21. Negotiating Crowd Behavior (Mark Anstey)
27. Focal Points in Arms Control (Mikhail Troitskiy)
34. Diplomatic Negotiation, Essence and Evolution (Paul Meerts)
41. New PIN Project 2015: Closure: How Negotiations End (I William Zartman)
About PINPoints
PINPoints is the biannual online publication of PIN and is sent to over 4,000 subscribers around the world. Each issue contains an overview of past and future events, reports of PIN related activities and, most importantly, articles with the latest developments and insights in international negotiation research. PINPoints is edited by Petra Brandt of German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).