Guy Olivier Faure
University of Paris V, Sorbonne

Short CV
Guy Olivier Faure is President of the Diplomatic School of Brussels. Previously, he taught at the Sorbonne University, Paris V, on topics such as "International Negotiation", "Conflict Resolution" and "Strategic Thinking and Action". He is a member of the editorial board of three major international journals dealing with negotiation theory and practice: International Negotiation (Washington); Negotiation Journal (Harvard, Cambridge); Group Decision and Negotiation (New York). His main research interests are business and diplomatic negotiations, especially with China, focusing on strategies and cultural issues. He is also involved in the development of interdisciplinary approaches to issues such as terrorism, and consults and trains with companies, multinationals, international organisations and governments. He is listed in the Diplomat's Dictionary, published by the United States Peace Press, Washington. He is also cited as one of the "2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 21st Century" by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, U.K. He has authored, co-authored and edited twenty-two books and over 140 articles. These include How People Negotiate (Kluwer Academic) and, with William Zartman, Escalation and Negotiation (Cambridge University Press) and Negotiating with Terrorists (Routledge). With Jeffrey Z. Rubin, he edited Culture and Negotiation, the third volume in the PIN series. His work has been published in twelve languages.