Paul Meerts
the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'

Short CV
Leiden University: Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (The Hague) & Faculty of Social Sciences (Leiden).
Paul Meerts (1946, pwmeerts@gmail.com) International Negotiation Analyst; Leiden University: Political Scientist. MA (1973), PhD (2014): 'Diplomatic Negotiation, Essence and Evolution', Dr. Honoris Causa Mongolian State University (2001), Order of Merit of Austria and Romania.
Research Fellow in Dutch Political History at the Universities of Groningen and Leiden (1974-78); Head of Diplomatic Training at the Netherlands Society of International Affairs (1978-1982); Head of Training Department (1983-1989) / Deputy General Director (1990-2006) / Advisor and Associate (2006-2018) at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'; delivering international negotiation seminars worldwide (1989-).
As a member of the Steering Committee of the Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) Program (1999-) he published on diplomatic bargaining and training in national and international peer-reviewed books and journals. He is the founder (2017) of the PIN Program on International Negotiation Training (POINT).