Rudolf Schüssler
Bayreuth University

Short CV
Rudolf Schuessler is professor of philosophy at the University of Bayreuth/Germany and a member of Processes of International Negotiation (PIN). Schuessler’s fields of research comprise early modern intellectual history, modern applied ethics, and political philosophy. He published widely on the history of philosophy and issues of just war theory, climate ethics, energy policy, and justice. Schuessler is a specialist on the application of ethics to particular cases. In the field of negotiation studies, he is author of ‘Adjusted Winner Analyses of the 1978 Camp David Accords – Valuable Tools for Negotiators?’ in: R. Avenhaus and W. Zartman (eds.): Diplomacy Games (Springer, 2007); ‘Reconciliation, Morality and Moral Compromise’, in: V. Rosoux and M. Anstey (eds.), Negotiating Reconciliation in Peacemaking (Springer, 2017); ‘Justice in Negotiations and Conflict Resolution’, in C. Schliesser and M. Leiner (eds.), Alternative Approaches in Conflict Resolution (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018); and co-editor of Focal Points in Negotiation (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2019; with J.-W. van der Rijt). Schuessler teaches negotiation classes in Bayreuth with a focus on rationality in negotiations (including gametheoretical modeling), ethics in negotiations, and the negotiation of ethical viewpoints.